Maximize the impact of your ELOP through a collaborative partnership with Levered!
August 14, 2023 | Found in: Elop and After school

As California educators take stock of the full impact of the pandemic on student learning, school and district leaders are looking to all the tools at their disposal to help get students back on a pathway for success. So far the data confirms what we feared, namely that scores in upper elementary mathematics have slid precipitously, and that the achievement gaps that existed before the pandemic have only widened.
Of the resources being allocated by the state government to help address the effects of the pandemic, on of the most promising opportunities is the new ELOP, or Expanded Learning Opportunities Program, outlined in California Ed. Code Section 46120. The program provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade.
While ELOP provides a powerful opportunity to give students an extra boost in their learning and development, it’s not meant to simply be an extension of the school day. In fact, the CDE explicitly states that “It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular schoolday and school year.”
With our evidence-based and impact-proven instructional solution for 3rd-5th grade math, Levered is ready to step up as a key collaborative partner in your ELOP program to ensure that your upper elementary students get the support they need to get back on track for success in math.
The CDE’s ELOP Program Plan Guide includes prompts to help districts reflect on the structure and delivery of their ELOP program. Here’s how Levered can help districts address some of those prompts:
Active and Engaged Learning-Describe how the program will provide opportunities for students to experience active and engaged learning that either supports or supplements, but does not duplicate, the instructional day.
Sample Response Using Levered
3rd-5th grade students in the program use Levered Learning to enrich their understanding of key math concepts. Levered is a research-based and 3rd party-validated instructional program that supports and enriches the core math instruction students receive during the school day, in a fun, interactive format. The program supports whole group math discussions, small group collaborative activities, and individually paced lesson progression.
Skill Building-Describe how the program will provide opportunities for students to experience skill building.
Sample Response Using Levered
The Levered Learning math system is structured as a competency-based program, meaning students are required to demonstrate their fluency with basic math skills before they move on to more advanced skills and concepts. As they work to demonstrate their mastery, they also further develop their persistence and grit.
Diversity, Access and Equity-Describe how the program is designed to address cultural and linguistic diversity and provide opportunities for all students to experience diversity, access, and equity. Describe how the ELO-P will provide access and opportunity for students with disabilities.
Sample Response Using Levered
Levered Learning is designed specifically to support Multilingual English Learners through embedded SDAIE and GLAD lesson design. Levered holds a 3rd party validation from Digital Promise for Learner Variability, and the program’s individual pacing accommodates a wide range of diverse learners.
Collaborative Partnerships-Describe the program’s collaborative partnerships. Local educational agencies are encouraged to collaborate with non-LEA entities to administer and implement ELOP programs.
Sample Response Using Levered
Levered Learning is partnering with us to support our 3rd-5th grade ELOP instructors and students in implementing a math program to support and enrich the math instruction they receive during the regular school day. Levered provides professional development to our instructors, and ongoing support and coaching to ensure that the program is used effectively to meet the needs of all students.
To learn more about how Levered can partner with your district to implement a high-impact 3rd-5th grade math program in your ELOP, contact us at info at levered dot com, or book a meeting.